Final Thoughts for 2012

by Kenneth Hoffman in ,

2013 is almost here, and it looks like that old Grinch is leaving a "fiscal cliff" under everyone's tree. Here are a few final thoughts to help usher in the New Year:

"There's no line on the tax return that asks 'what are you not telling us?'"
Robert Goulder (tax attorney)

"The rich, indeed, are different from the rest of us; they have shiftier tax lawyers."
Jim McTeague (columnist, Barron's)

"Dear Tax Commissioner: Three years ago I cheated on my taxes. Since then I have been unable to sleep at night. Enclosed is $5,000. If I still can't sleep, I'll send you the rest."

"If you are truly serious about preparing your child for the future, don't teach him to subtract -- teach him to deduct."
Fran Lebowitz

"The ancient Egyptians built elaborate fortresses and tunnels and even posted guards at tombs to stop grave robbers. In today's America, we call that estate planning."
Rep. William R. Archer (former Chair, House Ways and Means Committee)

"[A] tax lawyer is a person who is good with numbers but does not have enough personality to be an accountant."
James D. Gordon III (BYU Law School)

"Make sure you pay your taxes; otherwise you can get in a lot of trouble."
Richard M. Nixon

"Just because you have a briefcase full of cash doesn't mean you're out to cheat the government."
Pete Rose

"From a tax point of view, you're better off raising horses or cattle than children."
Former U.S. Rep. Patricia Schroeder

We wish we could tell you exactly what's going to happen with the fiscal cliff and taxes. But we can promise we'll be here to help you make the best of it, in 2013 and beyond. And remember, we're here for your family, friends, and colleagues too!

Kenneth Hoffman counsels Entrepreneurs, Professionals and Select Individuals in taking control of their taxes, and businesses. Discover how I can help you overcome your tax and business challenges.

To start the conversation or to become a client, call Kenneth Hoffman at (954) 591-8290 Monday - Friday between 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for a no cost consultation, or drop me a note.